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Take A Hike- In Glenorchy New Zealand

Take A Hike- In Glenorchy New Zealand

This January I was lucky enough to get back to Queenstown NZ, where I taught school 32 years ago!! It was a dream come true and honestly on of my "fav" places. A beautiful drive about 40 min away is the small town of Glenorchy- where many treks/hikes start from!! 

Yes the famous Routeburn, Greenstone Cables and more- the scenery is well, BEYOND amazing!! Here is a link to see other hikes: more!

Back to Queenstown-While the town has grown, the beauty, mountains, Lake Wakatipu and people are all still wonderful. It was so much fun to visit with dear friends I met all those years ago and to spend time hiking, sightseeing, making dinners and talking about all the fun times we had. ( and had while I was just there)- the BEST!!

I was SO glad I had my Ajax- water bottle holder/purse with me, since it really held everything I needed for our 5-8 miles hikes. Water, an Oaty bar- the best bars (only made in NZ), tissues, sunscreen, money and lip balm.

I did bring a bunch of OLovesM bags to my friends and now I can say OLovesM is in NZ:)


This site has some good photos and shows you the walk.

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