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Mother's Day FUN-ness! Gifts, Time with my mom, Travel

Mother's Day FUN-ness! Gifts, Time with my mom, Travel

Mother's Day came early for me and my mom- since the Aspen airport will be closed for 2 weeks (including May 14th) I went to visit my mom last week. Lucky Lucky me! We were able to do all the things we love to do together- shop, walk in the Botanical Garden, watch rom-coms and more!

My mom still lives in the town I grew up in on the North Shore of Chicago and it's always nice to drive through neighborhoods, go by my High School- which has doubled in size! But also go down to the beach and see a sunset:)

My gift to my mom is always getting the food she likes in the house, keeping her up to date on FB and internet things- like this time, I showed her how to get the Like, Heart, !!! and more when someone txts you and its the quick reply to let them know, "Hey- got your txt" she was so excited.

Her gift- well it's nice when your mom enjoys bags and asked for me to make her one with jute and blue fabrics- so guess what- that's what I am making her!!

Enjoy your Mother's Day and Lucky, Lucky me to spend it with my mom (she's 86 and looks Amazzing!!)


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