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Small changes for a better world list

Small changes for a better world list

We all want to help our world! Here are some small things we can do to help, since hey- if we all do a few of these- it WILL make a difference:)

1.Do the dishes! Run your dishwasher less, get a basin for the sink, and handwash dishes once a day. When using the dishwasher, don’t pre-rinse the dishes!**My SON helps wash and dry and its fun to chat and hear about his day**

2. Take showers instead of baths. Invest in a water-saving showerhead which uses no more than two gallons per minute, and don’t spend all day in there! ** easy for me- not a bath fan**

3. Don’t run the tap unnecessarily, especially when brushing your teeth or washing your face or hair. ** Learned this one a LONG time ago when I went to camp**

4. Turn down the temperature, cooler showers are actually better for your skin than piping hot ones, as well as saving energy and preventing carbon pollution.

5. Recycle properly. Wash out containers, let them dry and really focus on reducing landfill waste.** I need to get better at washing out things**

6. Compost. A really simple way to reduce landfill waste is to compost food waste and literally put it back into the earth. ** We cant due to animals in our yard, but working on a better container**

7 Let it dry: Take advantage of good weather, when we have it, and hang clothes out to dry, rather than use the tumble drier. ** Learned this when I lived in NZ- they dont have dryers- outside even makes your clothes smell better**

8. Layer up! Don’t automatically pop the heat on if you’re a little cold, wear a jumper or cardigan. **I find my best layers at the thrift store**

9. Turn off the lights and electrical appliances as you go along.

10/11. Use LED and energy-efficient lightbulbs.** Feeling like a lot of you already do**

14. Support bird reproduction by putting up bird feeders, houses, and baths.**We love hummingbirds but due to Bears in our area we cant have them**

15. Avoid herbicides and pull up weeds.** not good for your pets either**

16. Plant wildflower patches and/or window boxes to provide critical habitat for pollinators, beneficial insects, and wildlife. ** We toss out wildflowers every Spring and it works**

17. Go potty about plants! Return plastic plant pots to your local plant shop or garden center, after you’ve re-potted them.** I did this with my dad in Michigan**

18. Working from home cuts down on traveling and emissions. Video meetings are more commonplace now and cut down on overseas travel, therefore reducing carbon footprints. ** I work from Home**

19/20/21. Only print or copy what is necessary and use both sides of the paper. I have the setting on my computer to print both sides Easy to set that up

22. Go online: cancel paper bank statements and bills. ** Feeling like a lot of you do this**

I will continue to Post more ways to help that I know we can do or at least try and do:)  But hey, lets help do what we can since it really does feel good!!! 



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