More Than Just Yoga Mat Bags: OLovesM has a diverse assortment of styles
OlovesM bags has a diverse assortment of bags for everyone. Our crossbody purses, tote bags and water bottle holders not...
OLovesM 3 Zip Purse-the perfect eco-conscious accessory for your everyday adventures!
The OLovesM Stylish, Versatile and Eco-Conscious 3-Zip Purse is one of our best sellers. Like all our bags, they are...
OLovesM: 15 Years of Sustainable Style with Repurposed Yoga Mats
For over 15 years, OLovesM has been weaving a unique story in the heart of Colorado. It's a story of...
OLovesM: Sustainable Bags Made from Recycled Yoga Mats
I had a sustainable blogger send me this short article about what they thought of OLovesM bags- I think they...
Aspen Saturday Market-What OlovesM does on Saturday:)
Summer Saturdays means I might be at our local market. This past Saturday I was there and Pank, our rescue...
Heading to Europe? Things to think about with what Bag/Bags you take.
Going on a trip to Europe is an exciting and unforgettable experience that offers endless opportunities for exploration, discovery, and...
Beyond the Bow: 8 Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping Ideas to Elevate Your Present Game
Are you tired of using the same old wrapping paper and bows for every gift you give? Do you want...
Mother's Day-What I did for my mom!
With Mother's Day coming up this weekend, I wanted to share some ideas for wrapping up and or like me...